
Where Has the Time Gone?!

So it has been a little while. Life can get that way with a new baby around I guess.  Our little guy is the light of my life.  I can't help but get the biggest goofiest grin on my face when I see his precious smile.  So the last the blog world heard from me I was on bed rest. I was on bed rest for an entire month and it was a very long and slightly miserable month but completely worth it.  We had gone in for a doctor's appointment on Wednesday April 3rd.  The doctor had told me that he would induce me at that point if I hadn't gone into labor on my own.  So he had the nurse call the hospital and set up the appointment.  We were expecting them to tell us to head over to the hospital that day or maybe the next day but the nurse brought back the paper and it said Monday. Ian and I looked at each other with an "are you kidding me?!" kind of look.  That was still 5 days away! I may or may not have cried a little on the car ride home.  After we left I guess the doctor decided that wasn't acceptable and called the hospital and had it changed to the next day. So on Thursday April 4th we went to the hospital at 6 in the morning.  They had me on pitocin by 8:30 am and our handsome not so little guy was here at 8:34 pm.  It was a pretty relaxed day. The epidural let me just relax and Ian and I watched HGTV pretty much all day long.  I pushed for a little over and hour and a half and was running a little low on energy so the doctor gave me the choice of a C-section or a little more pushing with the assistance of a vacuum and I went with the latter. He was born at 9 lb. 1 oz. and 21.5 inches long.  He was a pretty big baby.  Being that big, he was in the 90th percentile at birth and at each appointment has dropped a little lower.  Couldn't he have come out little and gotten chubby later on? 
So our little man is now almost 5 months old!

It is so amazing to see him grow each and every day.  He loves to roll over and has been able to roll from his tummy to his back for a little over a month but within the last couple days has started to master the back to tummy which is a little harder.  It is crazy how mobile he is already! He is a happy baby most of the time. He loves to look at faces and giggles like crazy when we make faces at him.

One thing that I have been grateful for since he was just a few weeks old is that he is a great sleeper. At night he usually sleeps from about 9pm to 6am. I love it! Some days he just takes a few short naps and some days he only takes one or two pretty long naps but I don't mind as long as he sleeps. He loves to sleep and can sleep pretty much anywhere.

Our handsome man has also discovered that he can make noise.  He talks to us all the time and it just makes me so happy!


Hello World

Hello world that I don't get to see.  So everything was going great with the pregnancy until about 2 and a half weeks ago. My blood pressure was slowly starting to rise and I was very swollen. Doctor diagnosed me with mild preeclampsia and put me on bed rest. Some might think "oh bed rest that sounds relaxing!" I promise it isn't as enticing as it initially sounds. You think you get to comfortably sit in bed all day and watch tv and read books. 1) It's not comfortable 2) There isn't much sitting going on. Doctor specifically said that I have to be laying down/horizontal at all times unless I am eating, using the restroom, or taking my 1 allotted shower a day. This might not be so bad except that I obviously can't lay on my stomach and I'm not supposed to lay on my back. This means all day every day I get to play the game of how long can I lay on this hip before it hurts too much and I have to awkwardly roll over. Company is a love hate thing. I love having people to talk to but after laying in bed all day I feel rather gross and don't want anyone to see me. After one week of bed rest we had another appointment in which we discovered that our new doctor has April 6th as the due date and not the original March 30th that I have been saying for a long time. I had to try not to cry at the appointment because that means an extra week on bed rest. That's a depressing thought. On the plus side, my blood pressure is down where it should be so bed rest is working and we have a better chance of having a healthy baby and mommy at delivery, whenever that may be. Bed rest has also allowed me to get in lots of reading. I have read 8 books in the last 2 and a half weeks which is a new record for me I think. Our doctor will be out of town all next week so it's probably a good thing that our due date is not the 30th anymore. I just hope that my poor husband can hold on that much longer as I lay in bed like a bum and watch him do the laundry, dishes, and all the cleaning. I just have to remind myself why I'm in bed in the first place. My mother keeps reminding me that the reason we love them so much when they get here is because we have already suffered so much for them. It is so true because pregnancy is not easy on the body. It helps to keep things in perspective for me.

I know I have been waiting 9 months for this but it's crazy to think that we can finally meet our little man in the next 3 weeks! The closer we get to that date the more grateful I am that my Heavenly Father is trusting one of his children in my hands. It also makes me feel so inadequate but I know that the Lord knows that Ian and I will love this child with all of our hearts. It also helps when I remind myself that people dumber than me have managed to raise children.

My baby brother has officially left on his mission. He will be serving in Peurto Ricobut must first go to the MTC in the Dominican Republic and learn Spanish. He's been gone for a week and has already managed to visit the ER and earn a call home. He had some meat stuck in his throat for about 9 hours and they finally took him to the ER where they poked it down. He is doing well but just a little shook up. I am proud of the work that he will be doing down there and just hope that he can pick up on the language quickly.

So all in all life is good!


Let's try this again...

So I think that this might be more successful than writing in a journal. I'm just sitting on the couch trying to find anything Christmas related on tv with no success. Waiting for my lovely dinner of totino's  pizza to finish cooking, I really need to eat better for the little one but nothing ever sounds good and I'm too tired after a day of student teaching to stand on my feet and prepare real food. Hopefully for Ian's sake that will change when I am done with student teaching. The end is in sight with only 1 week left of actual teaching and then I get to observe for 3 days and leave forever. This has been a very interesting experience. I love the kids but the classroom is too chaotic that most days i am stressed out all day long and it's hard to enjoy the children and the joy of teaching them. It has been a rough relationship with my cooperating teacher. I like her as a person and get along when we sitting talking after school but I don't feel as if I have learned much this semester. This very very long semester. She is out for the rest of the week for surgery. Yesterday was rather enjoyable. The children got out of school an hour and a half early which probably helped to make it so enjoyable but for the most part it was because I didn't have someone in the back of the room interrupting me and always commenting on the time. I can read a stinking clock.  So I haven't learned anything about classroom management and have learned that maybe an older grade is for me. It is very interesting to compare my different experience both in a first grade classroom. After my senior practicum I loved the first grade and teaching. At this point I'm ready to run away from teaching all together. To be honest who ever really believed that I would use my degree to teach? Not me! Those word will probably come back to haunt me in the future. So this might be a long post since it has been soo long. I covered student teaching, not onto the little one.

We had been trying for just a couple months to get pregnant and I was being annoying and easily frustrated I suppose. My parents were coming out for graduation and I thought maybe this was the month and tried a pregnancy test the day before the got here but no luck. So I waited a little bit longer and after about a week I tried again and surprise turns out I just bought a cheap test the first go round. So my parents were gone and there was no chance of telling them in person anymore. Bummer. So the day we found out Ian told his family and I told mine.  I was going to wait until after the first appointment at least but Ian was so excited that he couldn't wait. We found out on July 27th that we would be having a little one. I am now 23 weeks along. We found out 2 weeks ago that we will be having a little boy. W have had names picked out for a while so he will be named Everett Duncan Hunt. We know Everett may seem like a long name so he might go by Rett for short. Grandpa Hunt wants to call him Ed because thats what his initials spell. Ian still wants to name him Ender but I refuse. If they want to call him those name then they can. Ian will probably be th only one calling him Ender but as long as he loves him I don't care what he calls him. I love Ian and he is the best husband I could ever ask for. He loves me and I can already see how much he loves Everett. He talks to Jim every night and tells him that he loves him and I tear up almost every time. Everett loves when daddy plays his guitar and sings but isn't as much of a fan of hearing daddy yell at the tv during sports haha. Ian is so good to me and does the dishes and laundry since I am always too tired to do them.  He also continues to work at a job that he hates so that he can support our little family. I do hate our currently schedule but figure that this is how life will just be. I'm out the door by 7 each morning and don't get home until well after he has gone to work and I get to see him when I pick him up at 10 and talk to him for a few minutes and then head to bed to do it all again. I miss him.

Last week was Thanksgiving. I got a week off from school. That would have been a nice vacation but I found a work opportunity just for the first few days. So I nannied for Monday through Wednesday. It wasn't too bad but the kids were hard to deal with at times and glued to the tv screen or computer screen most of the time.  Thursday morning we finally got to head down to Texas to may sister in law's place. It was so nice to be surrounded by family. Especially the little ones that loved me so much even though they only get to see me once a year. I most definitely got spoiled. It was an experience getting down there haha. We were on little planes and being pregnant and all I am pretty much always feeling sick still. On little planes you feel EVERYTHING. They were both very bumpy rides. We were about to touch down in Texas and apparently my stomach couldn't take anymore and I threw up on the plane. Did I have a little baggy to throw up in? Nope! So it ended up in my hair and a little bit on my clothes but mostly on the side of the plane. Ooops. Also the flight attendant was kind of scary so we didn't exactly tell her and just assumed they would either smell it or find it while cleaning up. That may have been a poor choice. I hope it was clean for the next flight. Once on the ground though I felt better. Showered as soon as I got the Hannah and Lane's and then elevated my feet for the rest of the day so the swelling could go down. Anytime someone saw me up they immediately sent me back to the couch to lay down and brought me water to stay hydrated. Dinner was delicious! My mother in law and sister in law worked so hard on it and it was amazing I am so blessed that I was able to spend Thanksgiving with family. We ventured out got black friday the next day but waited til all the crazies had gotten what they wanted and were gone. We were going after maternity clothes so it wasn't exactly a hot ticket item haha. I got extremely spoiled and now have an actual maternity wardrobe that I can fit into and I feel amazing and super cute! Saturday some of us went to see Skyfll and it was pretty awesome. Also there is truth to everything is bigger in Texas, that was the biggest theatre I have ever seen! Sunday morning we flew home and fortunately that flight was not as eventful as the first one.

We came home to a very messy house that ian took care of as I slept on the couch. The Christmas tree was up but not decorated. I got around to decorating it on Tuesday night. I didn't think that Ian wanted to help me and apparently I was wrong and still feel bad because I wanted to decorate it with him. Our beautiful tree has multi-colored lights on it which I didnt grow up with so I anot as big of a fan. Last year I just never plugged it in but because Ian loves them and works so hard for us I decided to plug them in and I am slowly warming up to them but I still love my white lights. I think that I have now mentioned anything and everything worth mentioning over the last 6 months of my life. I am so grateful for my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'm even grateful for the morning sickness. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have to bring a new life into our loving family. I am grateful that I have the gospel in my life and can teach Everett about his loving Father in Heaven and Savior. I am also grateful to have a loving husband by my side who will help me to teach our children these things. I have an extremely blessed life and am so grateful for it.