
Where Has the Time Gone?!

So it has been a little while. Life can get that way with a new baby around I guess.  Our little guy is the light of my life.  I can't help but get the biggest goofiest grin on my face when I see his precious smile.  So the last the blog world heard from me I was on bed rest. I was on bed rest for an entire month and it was a very long and slightly miserable month but completely worth it.  We had gone in for a doctor's appointment on Wednesday April 3rd.  The doctor had told me that he would induce me at that point if I hadn't gone into labor on my own.  So he had the nurse call the hospital and set up the appointment.  We were expecting them to tell us to head over to the hospital that day or maybe the next day but the nurse brought back the paper and it said Monday. Ian and I looked at each other with an "are you kidding me?!" kind of look.  That was still 5 days away! I may or may not have cried a little on the car ride home.  After we left I guess the doctor decided that wasn't acceptable and called the hospital and had it changed to the next day. So on Thursday April 4th we went to the hospital at 6 in the morning.  They had me on pitocin by 8:30 am and our handsome not so little guy was here at 8:34 pm.  It was a pretty relaxed day. The epidural let me just relax and Ian and I watched HGTV pretty much all day long.  I pushed for a little over and hour and a half and was running a little low on energy so the doctor gave me the choice of a C-section or a little more pushing with the assistance of a vacuum and I went with the latter. He was born at 9 lb. 1 oz. and 21.5 inches long.  He was a pretty big baby.  Being that big, he was in the 90th percentile at birth and at each appointment has dropped a little lower.  Couldn't he have come out little and gotten chubby later on? 
So our little man is now almost 5 months old!

It is so amazing to see him grow each and every day.  He loves to roll over and has been able to roll from his tummy to his back for a little over a month but within the last couple days has started to master the back to tummy which is a little harder.  It is crazy how mobile he is already! He is a happy baby most of the time. He loves to look at faces and giggles like crazy when we make faces at him.

One thing that I have been grateful for since he was just a few weeks old is that he is a great sleeper. At night he usually sleeps from about 9pm to 6am. I love it! Some days he just takes a few short naps and some days he only takes one or two pretty long naps but I don't mind as long as he sleeps. He loves to sleep and can sleep pretty much anywhere.

Our handsome man has also discovered that he can make noise.  He talks to us all the time and it just makes me so happy!

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