
Hello World

Hello world that I don't get to see.  So everything was going great with the pregnancy until about 2 and a half weeks ago. My blood pressure was slowly starting to rise and I was very swollen. Doctor diagnosed me with mild preeclampsia and put me on bed rest. Some might think "oh bed rest that sounds relaxing!" I promise it isn't as enticing as it initially sounds. You think you get to comfortably sit in bed all day and watch tv and read books. 1) It's not comfortable 2) There isn't much sitting going on. Doctor specifically said that I have to be laying down/horizontal at all times unless I am eating, using the restroom, or taking my 1 allotted shower a day. This might not be so bad except that I obviously can't lay on my stomach and I'm not supposed to lay on my back. This means all day every day I get to play the game of how long can I lay on this hip before it hurts too much and I have to awkwardly roll over. Company is a love hate thing. I love having people to talk to but after laying in bed all day I feel rather gross and don't want anyone to see me. After one week of bed rest we had another appointment in which we discovered that our new doctor has April 6th as the due date and not the original March 30th that I have been saying for a long time. I had to try not to cry at the appointment because that means an extra week on bed rest. That's a depressing thought. On the plus side, my blood pressure is down where it should be so bed rest is working and we have a better chance of having a healthy baby and mommy at delivery, whenever that may be. Bed rest has also allowed me to get in lots of reading. I have read 8 books in the last 2 and a half weeks which is a new record for me I think. Our doctor will be out of town all next week so it's probably a good thing that our due date is not the 30th anymore. I just hope that my poor husband can hold on that much longer as I lay in bed like a bum and watch him do the laundry, dishes, and all the cleaning. I just have to remind myself why I'm in bed in the first place. My mother keeps reminding me that the reason we love them so much when they get here is because we have already suffered so much for them. It is so true because pregnancy is not easy on the body. It helps to keep things in perspective for me.

I know I have been waiting 9 months for this but it's crazy to think that we can finally meet our little man in the next 3 weeks! The closer we get to that date the more grateful I am that my Heavenly Father is trusting one of his children in my hands. It also makes me feel so inadequate but I know that the Lord knows that Ian and I will love this child with all of our hearts. It also helps when I remind myself that people dumber than me have managed to raise children.

My baby brother has officially left on his mission. He will be serving in Peurto Ricobut must first go to the MTC in the Dominican Republic and learn Spanish. He's been gone for a week and has already managed to visit the ER and earn a call home. He had some meat stuck in his throat for about 9 hours and they finally took him to the ER where they poked it down. He is doing well but just a little shook up. I am proud of the work that he will be doing down there and just hope that he can pick up on the language quickly.

So all in all life is good!

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